Our Ministries

  • Children

    Your children are important people! Our nursery has been carefully designed and furnished to meet your family's needs, and we have wonderful women prepared to watch your little ones during Sunday school and the morning worship service. We have several loving, experienced teachers who welcome the opportunity to teach your children during the Sunday school hour and in Children's Church. The nursery and elementary classrooms are in our basement, and our middle school class is upstairs on the north side of the building.

         6:00 – 6:50 P.M. Sundays  September - April (with some holiday breaks) we have Bible Bandanas Sunday evenings 6-6:50.

    Bible Bandanas

    Learning God’s Word to Serve Him Better

    If you put these things before the brothers,

    you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, 

    being trained in the words of the faith 

    and of the good doctrine that you have followed. 

    (1Timothy 4:6)


    a weekly children’s club for grades 2 through 6

  • Adults

    We offer Adult Bible Study during the Sunday school hour. You may join the men in the southwest corner room of the main floor, or you may join the women meeting in the southeast corner of the building. The ladies aren't hiding, but we may need to help you find their classroom! 

  • MUsic

    At Faith Baptist Church, we love to sing! We purposely choose to offer God traditional worship, both in music and in format. A song leader is assisted by a piano and keyboard, and we usually have a small orchestra, as well. You may hear an occasional “amen” after a musical number. This is our way of showing agreement with the song’s message. We understand that musical numbers in other settings often expect and/or receive applause, so if applause accidentally happens we’re all okay! However, our musicians will feel more as though they’ve accomplished their goal if they hear an “amen" rather than applause.

  • Missions

    Faith Baptist Church supports and prays for several missionaries. We love this opportunity to have a part in reaching the world for Christ.

  • Youth

    The youth meet in the youth room in the southwest corner of the basement for Sunday school with Pastor Lohmeyer. They also enjoy occasional youth activities and outings. The youth room is new to FBC!